
Penny UK

Penny UK Ltd and Ripple Aquaplast pricelists.

These, respectively, are the wholesale and consumer side of the same business.

  • React and Redux ecommerce client utilising AWS Lambda (Node js), DynamoDb, Cognito, SNS, CloudFront, S3 and SES amongst other services.
  • SASS used for styling.
  • Progressive Web App - client uses Service Worker API to 'install' and work offline.
  • Integrates with the customer's ERP software, Exact Online, through its REST API. This allows the customer to keep stock indicators, product data and wholesale discount structures updated.

Code Experiments and Examples

Vue.js experiments

Old Code Collection

Updated 12/2/21 - I am in the process of recreating as a Gatsby WPGraphQL site. For now, I've rewritten the below to sound more apologetic!
Below are some of my experiments from when I first setup Shiny Grey. In time I may update them or get rid of them altogether. However for now I will preserve the links from the previous version of this website.

These are separate websites to the main site and predate my learning AWS. The Heroku hosted experiments in particular might take more time to load as they use free Dynos.

    A sub domain running Microsoft's ASP.NET web framework.
    I enjoyed learning ASP.NET, however I haven't found a huge demand for it.
    I'm still interested in .NET and have also picked up some F#. At some point I might change this link to use a C# AWS Lambda or perhaps create a C# and F# portfolio. I also plan to learn Azure at some point.
  • Angular 7 area
    Angular experiments hosted on Heroku. Somewhat aged now and based on the first version of
    Magazine mockup built with React v16.8 and Bootstrap 4 with PHP facebook API news feed.
    This was where I started learning React . It's also showing its age and needs to be updated to use React hooks. I want to keep it around as I really like the style and SVG background I created.
    To do - move to S3 and CloudFront.
  • Django experiments
    My first baby steps in learning the Python based web framework.